- Open the first one, on windows 10 you can use the ctrl key and the mouse wheel to zoom in (On Windows 8 and Windows 10 there’s an option to view images at “Actual Size” which is probably the best zoom setting!) , you can click and hold the left mouse button to drag the image up and down and when you are zoomed right back out you can click to navigate to the next or previous image or use the left and right cursor keys. There’s an option at the bottom right to make the application full screen which helps.
- Go through your ScreenShots – your objective is to leave in the folder only images that you are happy with, you can then use those images as a reference in the future so after you make any changes to your website you can make sure there are no unexpected changes without even needing to look at the ScreenShots as ScreenShooter will know that as long as the image matches the reference, it’s ok. So any images that you don’t want to be included in the reference can be either deleted or you can create sub-folders such as “Development_Fix_Needed”, “Content_Fix_Needed” or simply “Exclude_from_reference”
- Tip: If you find a rending problem or content error in your ScreenShooter image, it’s well worth loading the page in your browser at the same resolution or on the device / a similar device – it’s always gratifying when you can recreate the problem as there’s then a good chance that your web developer or content editor will be able to find and fix the problem. If you find a problem where the page looks fine in the browser you used for the job but for some reason the ScreenShot isn’t right – you might need to fix your project settings – or perhaps you’ve found an issue we haven’t come across before, you can create a folder “ScreenShooter_Support” and contact us using the live chat – we are delighted to receive your feedback!
When ready, you can go for Setting up a reference.